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Celebrity Hairstylist Ashley Streicher Shares Her Top Products Celebrity Hairstylist Ashley Streicher Shares Her Top Products

Celebrity Hairstylist Ashley Streicher Shares Her Top Products

How to get shiny red carpet-worthy hair from the pro who works with Emily Blunt and Alicia Vikander.
Tantalizing tresses like those of Jennifer Lopez, Margot Robbie, Kerry Washington, and Jennifer Lawrence are on the year-round most wanted lists. “I admire Hollywood’s leading ladies for being open to experimenting with so many different styles,” says celebrity hair stylist, Ashley Streicher, whose clients include Emily Blunt and Alicia Vikander. “It’s great to see these women embracing their color, type and texture.”
Whether going for sleek and shiny, big and beachy or wild and wavy, the most frequent request is for products that promote gloss and shine. “Regardless of texture, everyone’s goal is eliminating frizz,” adds Streicher. Here, five lavish goodies designed to deliver the most luscious of locks. 

Cuvee Premiere Treatment

A good bit of the bubbly has been used in skin care for years, and it’s the star ingredient in this collection loved by Ciara. Healthy hair begins at the scalp and this nourishing potion, applied between shampoo and conditioner, touts the proprietary Cuvee Complex (champagne, white truffle, platinum and other natural plant extracts). Polyphenols (a.k.a. micronutrients containing antioxidants beneficial to both hair and skin) extracted from the champagne grape reportedly help deep clean follicles and guard against sun damage. The company refers to it as “A Champagne Toast For The Hair,” and strands do feel softer and more alive after a treatment. Cheers to that!

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